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The Parable of the Perturbed Son                Luke 15:11-32

In His larger parables Jesus makes 3 points at once. There is a point made for people who want to follow God; there is a point made to rebuke those who are off track; and there is a poignant point made about what God is like.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”          -Micah 6:8

The R____________________ of the Prodigal Son              V. 11-16

Sin will take you further than you ever thought you’d go, keep you longer than you ever thought you’d stay, and cost you more than you were ever willing to pay.                     

The R____________________ of the Prodigal Son              V. 17-19

The Compassion of the Patient Father                                 V. 20-24

Jesus’ point to the Pharisees was clear: the ones you scorn and reject God the Father is __________________ to forgive and receive if they repent and return!

Deuteronomy 21:17-21

2 Cor. 5:21                   Eph. 1:13-14                Luke 24:46-48

The R_________________ of the Perturbed Son                 V. 25-28a

The Rebuke of the Pleading Father                                      V. 28b-32


The perturbed son (and church member) makes two mistakes:

First, he didn’t understand it’s not about what we want, it’s about what the ____________________ wants!

Second, he saw clearly his brother’s sins but not his ____________