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Appointments With Destiny             Daniel 11:1-35


 “Even if these 3 men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the LORD God.              -Ezekiel 14:14, 20


Recap of Daniel:


What God had said would happen DID happen! 


Chapter eleven of Daniel is like the Grand Finale in a Fireworks show, giving us total CONFIDENCE in God’s Word!


At least three things were converging before Daniel’s eyes:


Believers like Daniel had been PRAYING; angels had been working; and prophecy was being fulfilled!


Anyone who has spent any time in their Bible knows both these things to be true:


1.         Our prayers and our actions CHANGE our own destiny and others


2.         Somehow God brings about what He said He would DESPITE what we do


It can be drawn out like this:






There are over 60 prophecies in Daniel 11 alone that God told Daniel would happen and have already been fulfilled!


Prophecies already fulfilled                                      11:1-35


Prophecies fulfilled relating to Persia                        v. 1-2


Prophecies fulfilled relating to Greece                       v. 3-4


Prophecies fulfilled related to Egypt and Syria          v. 5-20


Prophecies fulfilled about Antiochus Epiphanes & Syria                                                                                                       v. 21-35


It was great for Israel to be able to draw some comfort by having Daniel in advance as they would face those dark days! 


And during the time of the Great Tribulation this chapter and the book of Revelation will take on even greater meaning for the Jews! 


There is a key word and a key phrase in this great chapter:


The word ‘SHALL’ appears over 100 times;

The phrase ‘appointed time’ appears in verses 27 and 35 


What God has said will happen WILL happen!


“It is appointed for men to die once, and after this the judgment.”                                  -Hebrews 9:25


John 3:16-17               I Corinthians 3:11-15 


You CAN make a difference now and in the future for Jesus!


 “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice; it is not something to be waited for, it is something to be achieved.”  -William Jennings Bryan