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God and Psychology             Romans 1-3

Danny’s definition of having a biblical worldview:

Persuaded by the evidence, I trust Jesus alone for salvation, seeking His Kingdom first in my beliefs and behaviors, ___________________ all things by Biblical truth.

Modern man’s way of looking at facts/ values:



(Religion and morality but no absolutes)


(an autonomous self)


(Science and industry unhindered by moral concerns)


(a biochemical machine)


Original sin deeply affects me and my relationships; the right kind of _____________________ in my life is good.

For Freud all judgments about sin were _______________ by society, and those who felt bad about them weren’t experiencing true guilt, but imposed guilt. 

“Even if a group of children were put on an island and they raised themselves, I think they would believe in God.”                                      -Justin Barrett, Oxford University


What are the results of denying God as Creator and suppressing what your God-given conscience is telling you?

The text lets us know as it unfolds!


Yahweh – Yahweh is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to thousands, forgiving wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin. But He will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers wrongdoing on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.           -Exodus 34:6-7

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.                       -Hebrews 9:14                      


Psychology’s founding fathers said the sin is not the issue, the concept of guilt is. So they focused their efforts on helping people feel okay about making sinful choices. The Bible teaches they should not feel okay- they should ________________________!

Our conscience is a God given compass pointing us toward our need of Jesus!

Those who elevate what they think and feel over what God’s Word says are easy prey to Satan’s ________________ and temptations!

“The basic psychological problem is trying to be what we are not, and trying to carry what we cannot carry. Most of all, the basic problem is not being willing to be the creatures we are before the Creator.”             -Francis A. Schaeffer


It is because… the religious view of the universe seems to me to cover more of the facts of experience than any other that I have been gradually led to embrace it.   -C.E.M. Joad


When a man’s conscience is made sick with sin, and can find no rest, he needs to go to the great Physician of souls and get healing in His blood.              -John Owen, Mortification of Sin (1656), 44