Weekly Sermons
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- Series: Psalms Teaching
- Date:
- Scripture: Psalm 6
Psalm Chapter 6 Worksheet
The word Sheminith is related to the word for _______________________.
David seems to indicate the source of his trouble is not only from without, it is also from ______________________!
Perhaps David understood what we need to:
David ________________________ great grief and anguish V. 6-7
David’s grief and anguish affected his overall _________________ V. 1-3
David cries out for _________________: he wants to keep making a difference! V. 4-5
Sheol was a type of holding tank for all the dead, but it appears to have been divided into two sections – one for the righteous and one for the ________________________________.
Psalm 23 Luke 16 Ephesians 4:8-10 I Peter 3:18-19
Today when saints die, their spirits are ___________________________ directly into Heaven.
2 Cor. 5 says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
David’s words in verses 4-5 should be understood as a _____________________; he is pleading with God for God to extend his life.
David is suddenly overwhelmed with assurance and ____________________ V. 8-10
What does the statement in verse 10 remind us of?
Do you understand who has moved in this Psalm?
O keep up life and peace within,
If I must feel Thy chastening rod!
Yet kill not me, but kill my sin,
And let me know Thou art my God.
O give my soul some sweet foretaste
Of that which I shall shortly see!
Let faith and love cry to the last,
Come Lord, I trust myself with Thee!
-Richard Baxter (1615-1691)