Weekly Sermons
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- Series: Colossians Study
- Date:
- Scripture: Colossians 2:6-10
Walk, Watch and Worship
Read Colossians 2:6-10 Walk, Watch, and Worship Let’s Pray!
Three Responses to the Treasure we have in Christ:
1. Keep a focused walk V. 6-7
The word walk is peripateo (G 4043), which occurs 96 times in the N.T. It conveys the idea of conducting one’s life in accord with biblical truth.
First, this walk is rooted in Jesus Christ.
Second and Third, this walk is built up and established in THE faith.
Faith is following the person of Jesus, that’s why we say Christians are in a relationship. THE Faith is being committed to the great doctrines of our faith presented in the Bible. That’s why we say Christianity is a religion – there are tenants that Christian adherents are expected to believe
Fourth, this walk is characterized by abounding in Thanksgiving.
2. Keep an informed watch V. 8
Philosophy simply means the love of wisdom, but when combined with the words empty deceit we get the godless philosophies that lead astray so many.
Some of the Judaizers in their midst did not want to give up adherence to the Jewish law and insisted the Old Testament civil law was still binding, even though the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 said it was not!
Too often then and now there is superstitious worship of nature, and stars, and occult activity that invites demonic angels from the spirit realm into our presence. When they come in, they come in like a wrecking ball!
There is a great contrast between hollow philosophy and the fullness in Christ. -African Bible Commentary
3. Keep filled up on the One we worship V. 9-10
Nicene Creed (A.D. 325)
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father, Light of light, Very God of very God, begotten not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate and was made man; He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven, from there He shall come to judge both the quick and the dead; and in the Holy Spirit.
Even as we try to quantify what the Spirit does now in our lives we need to be reminded that it is the Spirit of Christ that indwells us, not an impersonal force. To walk in the Spirit is to see Christlikeness produced in and through your life.