Weekly Sermons
- Details
- Series: Acts Study
- Date:
- Scripture: Acts 18:9-18
The Overwhelmed Apostle Acts 18:9-18a
The simplest meaning of the word apostle is “sent one.” There are no more apostles in the sense of Paul and the others who wrote the New Testament. But all Christians are “sent out” to minister in their sphere of ______________________ and beyond.
112 Hours
God _____________________ encourages the overwhelmed apostle V. 9-11
2 Corinthians 11:22-33
This is the third of 6 visions for Paul in the Book of Acts:
9:3-6 16:9-10 HERE 22:17-18 23:11 27:23-24
3 Commands:
Don’t be afraid!
Keep on _________________!
Don’t be silent!
3 Promises:
God’s __________________________
God’s __________________________
God’s productiveness
The ______________________ of Paul’s endurance V. 11-17
Here we have another time stamp – Gallio being proconsul of Achaia. An inscription at Delphi has Gallio assuming his post in early 51 A.D. He stopped being proconsul in 52 A.D. Therefore, this event probably happened in 51 A.D.
If Paul hadn’t ________________________ and continued to share Jesus, Sosthenes might not have been among the “other people” to be saved in this city. Who won’t be reached if you quit?
112 hours
Working hours each week = 50-80 hours
Ministry of Preaching & Teaching 20 hours
Preaching & Teaching 3 plus times a week
Studying the Biblical text to preach and teach
Supplemental reading and studying
Ministry of Prayer and Presence 5-10 hours
Praying for church members – a letter a day
Visits, calls, letters, social media
Attending events related to members
Attending community events as the Tabernacle Pastor
Acts 1:8 Evangelism and Missions 5-10 hours
Personal evangelism: several times a week
Missions coordination/ encouragement
SBCV/ SBC involvement
Ministry of Discipleship & Mentoring 5-10 hours
Personal discipleship: several “Timothy” relationships
Sunday School teacher coordination/ New Members Class
Mentoring future leaders within the church
Mentoring younger pastors and potential workers
Pre-marital counseling
Ministry of Leadership & Administration 5-10 hours
Daily leading and office decisions/ Ministry coordination
Appointments with lay leaders
Oversight of staff/ staff meetings
Board of Directors meetings
Ministry of Pastoral Care 10-20 hours
Counseling: several appointments each week
Hospital visits
Deacons meetings
That leaves for Family, Friends, Self 32-62 hours
Time with God
Time with Family/ Time with Friends
Time for Self