Weekly Sermons
- Details
- Series: Hebrews Study
- Date:
- Scripture: Hebrews 2:5-13
Greater than Adam and Sons Hebrews 2:5-13
Jesu Juva Soli Deo Gloria Johan Sebastian Bach
The way things were ___________________ to be V. 5-8
Who did the Bible explicitly say was to be over things on earth originally? ____________________ Genesis 1:27-28
Hebrews says God has now done the following for Jesus:
Set Him over the works of God’s hands
Put _________ things under His feet
What would be true if the first Adam had not sinned?
When Adam and Eve sinned, Satan moved right in and made this world _______________ to himself.
Ephesians 2:1-3
The way things _____________________ V. 8
Richard Wagner
The way things really are and ___________ be V. 9-13
The word for captain would be better translated as _______________ of their salvation.
Hebrews 12:2
Jesus was already perfect as God – now can be added perfect ___________________.
Jesus is our salvation – But He is also our _____________________.
Philippians 1:6
The first Adam and his sons have made a mess of the world, and Satan his demons have overstayed their welcome. But _________________ day is coming!