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Serving our gifts to one another

Taken together, the one anothers give us a wonderful portrait of what growing Christians look like! 

The apostles’ writings are filled with teaching on our responsibilities to one another!   

The fact that this life is relatively short compared to the eternity to follow should be the context we evaluate every decision in

Sometimes Christians who believe the end as we know it is coming are accused of being alarmists! But when we read The Book of Revelation we see that the way the Bible speaks of end times is fundamentally optimistic!

The matter of urgency for us is getting people ready to meet their God, which sooner or later will happen for all mankind.

Christians Love One Another fervently                                            V

Loving fervently means that we are patient with peoples quirks, especially with those who mean well but just haven’t quite yet “learned to do.”

Loving fervently also means bringing Christians back together who have not gotten past a grudge.

Loving fervently keeps both present and future sins from happening

Christians are hospitable with one another                                      V. 9

Christians minister their spiritual gifts to others                    V. 10-12

Four Approaches to “Miraculous Gifts” Like Speaking in Tongues:


M.G. ceased at the end of the apostolic age (their purpose was to confirm apostolic authority)

M.G. may exist today, but based on I Corinthians 14 they are not to be part of worship services

M.G. do exist today, and we should be open to their use in worship services today, with the restrictions spoken of in I Cor. 14

M.G. do exist today, and we’re really not having church unless they DO happen in our worship services; no restrictions should be placed on the Spirit’s “moving”

Dispensationalist view

Wider Evangelical view

Charismatic view

Pentecostal view


Helps/ service                Leadership          Hospitality           Administration            

Discernment                  Faith                    Giving                  Mercy


Knowledge                    Wisdom               Exhortation         Teaching


Pastor/Shepherd           Evangelism          Intercession         

Key Point: each of the “non-miraculous” gifts is referred to elsewhere in the apostle’s writings as a command for all believers! What all of us are commanded to do some of us are especially gifted to do.   

From Him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each individual part.     -Ephesians 4:16