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Focusing on Eternal Things

In an age when many are declaring their independence from church, the “one another’s” remind us of how indispensable we are to one another’s growth in Christ, that we are meant to be interdependent in Christ! 

“IN ESSENTIALS UNITY; IN NON-ESSENTIALS LIBERTY; IN ALL THINGS CHARITY.”                                                               -Saint Augustine (354-430)

DON’T judge fellow Christians over non-essential matters

DO think through your convictions on non-essential matters

DON’T make weaker Christians stumble by exercising your Christian liberty

DO live to edify (build up) weaker brothers 

“When it came to his own glory, Liddell would surrender it all rather than run on Sunday. But when it came to the good of children in a prison camp, he would referee on Sunday. Liddell would sacrifice a gold medal for himself in the name of truth but would bend over backward for others in the name of grace.”                         -Randy Alcorn, page 79, The Grace and Truth Paradox

Hold your convictions dearly – But recognize the difference between essentials and non-essentials. Stop criticizing your brothers and sisters in Christ. And be willing to set aside non-essentials for the sake of kingdom growth.