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Blessing People Wherever You Go                Acts 3:1-26

The Apostles were ready to bless people _____________________                                                                                              V. 1-10

Jews had 3 daily times of prayer:   

9 AM-3rd hour             Noon-6th hour             3 PM-9th hour

The beggar saw an opportunity for money; Peter saw an opportunity for ________________________!

The signs of an apostle were performed among you in all endurance – not only signs but also wonders and miracles.          -2 Cor. 12:12

The apostles’ ability to work miracles like Jesus affirmed their ___________________________ to write New Testament Scripture. In this sense there are no “apostles” today!

John Duns Scotus entered the Franciscan Order at the age of 15 and was ordained a priest in 1291...

The Apostles were ready to bless people ______________________                                                                                            V. 11-26

Set apart the Messiah as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.                                                      -1 Peter 3:15

This crowd would have been 100% Jewish, and probably all men.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment that in the SEED of Abraham all nations would be ______________________. Jesus is our High Priest, Isaiah’s Suffering Servant.

Jesus Christ is the ______________________ that must be obeyed, the one Moses spoke of in Deuteronomy 18:15-22.

Peter reminds the people that just as they are guilty of the curses pronounced by the prophets because of their sin, if they turn to the Messiah they will be heirs of the _______________________ made by the prophets to the repentant!

The blessing awaiting those who turn to Jesus                    V. 19-21

When a person repents and turns to Jesus, their sins are wiped out, and times of ______________________ will come from the Lord!

Jesus will remain in Heaven until the promised restoration, as Psalm 110:1 says!

Now it is wonderful when someone gets healed physically, but that’s still temporary healing. A person who is healed physically will still die someday. But salvation brings eternal healing, and is thus a ___________________________ miracle.

John 9

Bethany Hamilton

Daniel Ritchie

All of this unearths a Deeper Question: Is Jesus _______________ for you?

For me, living is Christ, and dying is gain.       -Philippians 1:21

Final challenge:

Like the early Christians, be a blessing _________________ you go!