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A Place to Regularly Refocus Under the Sun

What do I want church to be about for me?

What does GOD want church to be about for me?

Solomon has already taught that despite so much of life on earth not making sense because of sin in the world, God above is unfolding a beautiful eternal plan for those who seek Him and serve Him.

Read Ecc. 5:1-7

A place to regularly refocus under the sun               Let’s Pray!

Do you remember my theory about Proverbs & Ecclesiastes? I believe Solomon wrote both to be evangelistic tracts/ booklets/ scrolls to lead people to the Lord.

Think through what is supposed to happen when you go to God’s house                                                                                     V. 1-3

When we come to God’s house, we should guard our steps, think about whose house we are going to, and come in a prayerful posture, humbly expecting God to speak to us with truth to live by.

Here Solomon says that words some people speak when they go to God’s house are just plain evil – don’t let evil words come out of your mouth at church.

What does it mean that we are different than the animals, created in God’s image?

A scholar named John Kilmer speaks of 4 dimensions to the image of God seen in humans – Reason; Rule; Relationship; Righteousness.

Think through what’s supposed to happen when you leave God’s house  V. 4-7

A vow is a promise you make to God in response to His Bible-based working in your life.

Sad but true word from a speaker at camp – our churches are filled with people who promised God they would do something and went back home and never acted on what they had promised God. 

This section concludes with the reminder that our approach to God must be a realistic response to what He has shown us to be His will – not a wordy presentation of what we dream for ourselves.        -Expositors Bible Commentary

Draw near to discover how you can be the best you you can be; depart to help others become the best version of themselves God created them to be.

FEAR = Forsake Evil & Align Reverently.