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Psalm 30

In the Hebrew language the headings appear __________________ the individual Psalms. Some scholars have suggested that the information is actually supposed to go with the Psalm that just ended, rather than the one coming!

It could also be that David was not thinking about the Temple here, but this is a response to the Messianic line that 2 Samuel 7 promised would come through David, the Davidic covenant. All the Kings of Judah were from the “house of David,” as well as the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.


David _____________________ of God’s various deliverances                               V. 1-3

The word for grave is Sheol, which occurs 64 times in the Hebrew Old Testament; the word for Pit is Bor, which occurs 61 times.

As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.            -Zechariah 9:11


The saints sing praise to our Holy and Gracious God                                               V. 4-5

The word for Saints is actually a form of our awesome word Hesed that I talk about so much (referencing God’s ___________________ love). Hasidic Jews are referencing this in their own desire to serve God rightly.


A time David ____________________ God to extend his life                                  V. 6-10

Do you see the word “Supply” in supplication? We are asking God to supply our needs and the needs of others we pray for – using all the resources He has to supply those needs.

This is a classic version of the “for Your Name’s sake” prayer! God seems to like it when we express our desire to live and praise Him and make a difference to Him. He likes it when we care enough to __________________ Him of His promises. We are really reminding ourselves.


David praises God and gives Him ________________!                                            V. 11-12

If I read Psalms correctly it shows us that the greatest expressive praise in the Bible is often shown by those who have personally experienced God’s hand on their lives through the hardest things of life. In other words, some of the most expressive praise should come from tested and _______________________ saints – it should not merely be the domain of young people who haven’t experienced life yet.