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Great Expectations

Hebrews 6:3-12

Which Tire?

Two Introductory comments as we look at this passage:

The value of expositional ___________________

The value of preaching a passage in its _________________


Bad news for those who believe you can ____________________ your salvation                                                                         V. 4-6

We must point out that if this passage teaches you can lose your salvation, it also teaches it’s _________________ for you to get it back again after you lose it.

Ephesians 2:8-9

“Not of works, lest anyone should boast” in the good times also means “Not of works lest anyone should ___________________ in the ‘not so good’ times.

When we have sinned as Christians it’s not a ‘lost the salvation’ issue; it’s a ‘get back the close ___________________’ with God issue.

Now some teach that this passage refers not to losing your salvation, but to once and for all rejecting it. That’s known as _______________.


The ___________________ saved don’t fall away               V. 9

Philippians 1:6

This passage is about one thing: perseverance of the saints. Those who fall away ______________ that they didn’t really know the Lord.

What was he saying in the hypothetical language of verses 4-6?

If the gospel isn’t _________________ for a person, we don’t have anything else to offer them.

Matthew 13:18-23


A Tale of Two Plants                                                               V. 7-8

Useful herbs                =          Growing plants

Useless thorns            =          No life

_________________ is the essence of life.


The author’s challenge: GROW UP                                        V. 10-12

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Hebrews 12:2