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Facing Difficulties Part 2                    Nehemiah 5

One of the best definitions of management I ever heard was that “Management is developing people through work.”


The Problem _____________________                                V. 1-5


A righteous man’s ___________________                           V. 6

Why was Nehemiah angry?

Because God’s people were not applying God’s Word to their lives.

Leviticus 25

Proverbs 6:16-19

Be angry, but then be part of the _______________________!

Ezekiel 3:17-27


Nehemiah calls them to ______________________ according to God’s Word                                                                              V. 7-11

God gives us parents, God gives us coaches and teachers, God gives us pastors, God gives us each other – to help us all together keep our promises!


Those who had sinned _________________ repented        V. 12-13


Nehemiah leads by ____________________                       V. 14-19