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Genesis Chapter 15

Abram hears from the _______________ of the LORD                             V. 1-5

We know Abram heard the voice of the LORD, but what did he see?

What do we think of when we hear about the Word?

John 1:1-3

A Christophany is an appearance of Jesus in Old Testament days _____________ His incarnation (John 1:14).

When you think about the future, are you ever afraid?

We also need to hear again God’s ________________ and experience His activity in our lives!

At this moment Abram was faced with a choice: believe the Word of the Lord, or reject the Word of the Lord. It’s the _________ choice everyone on earth is given.

Abraham is justified by _________________                                                15:6

Romans 4:1-5; 5:1-2                      Habakkuk 2:4

Like Abraham, we are justified by faith alone! Works are not the root of salvation; works are the __________________ of salvation!

More details of the Abrahamic Covenant                                          V. 7-21

In ancient covenants the two parties were to pass between the halves of the dead sacrifices, signifying they expected the same fate to befall them if they _________ the covenant (Jeremiah 34:18).  

Abram is told of the coming Enslavement, Exodus and Passover of Israel from Egypt in verses 13-16.

All this obviously means that Abram himself will live as a stranger in the Promised Land his entire life, but that God’s promises _____________ human generations!

When we see sin flourishing around us, remember that one day God will say “enough is enough” and judgment will come! All sin does get dealt with by our ______________ God!                  Deuteronomy 9:4-6