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Let the little children come               Matthew 18:1-14, 19:13-15

D. L. Moody                                       

Wee Bobby Moffat

The disciple wanted to send the children away so they could get on with ‘more _________________’ ministry. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me!” And He is still saying that today!

What we learn from Jesus’ interaction with the little child:

Our faith begins and continues with humble, childlike ___________ in Jesus                                                                               V. 2-4

Ministry to little ones is ministry to _______________       V. 5

Matthew 10:32                       I John 3:8

Causing little believers to sin will be dealt with ________________ by Jesus                                                                               V. 6-9

Value ________ of the little ones instead of despising any                                                                                                             V. 10-11

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?                   -Hebrews 1:14

_____________ the little ones to Jesus                                V. 12-14

Back in Old Testament days when Israel needed to learn its Bible again, God told them not to _______________ the little ones out (Deuteronomy 31:12; Joshua 8:35; 2 Chronicles 20:13, 31:18; Ezra 8:21). He wanted all to know, then and now!

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.               -Galatians 4:19

“We may not live to see it, but the awakening will come as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.”     -Mary Moffat