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Psalm 1 Sunday Night Study

Psalm 1 is not only the first of all 150 Psalms but also the first of Book ______ of the Psalms.

It is clear from their content many of them were also __________________, and we will be encouraged at the total honesty these men of God pray with. 


This Psalm is the first of many “_________________” psalms.

This Psalm is also the first of many in the Psalms that has chiastic ____________. 


Notice the progression – sin starts in the head, and then leads to definite steps of action ____________________ from what the godly would do. 

Now one thing I like about Psalm one is that it does not just present being a godly person in negative terms, but goes on to present a beautiful picture that is _________________ in verses 2-3.

Three types of questions that help you meditate on the Word of God---

1. O_______________                       What does the text ___________?

2. I________________                       What does the text ___________?

3. A________________                      How does this ________________ to my life?

“I have no rest but in a nook, with the Book!”          

Thomas A Kempis, Author of the Imitation of Christ! 

The water that nourishes the tree is like the nourishment we receive from our ____________________ with our Triune God, Father, Son and Spirit. 


I love the phrase “the ______________________ of the righteous!”

I think the Psalmist is anticipating what David calls in Psalm 23, “_____________ in the house of the Lord forever!” 


What an encouragement in verse six to the righteous person who has ________________ the taunts of mockers…

Have you wondered lately if God is there?

Have you wondered if God cares?

These Psalms will be filled with ___________________ saints crying out to God asking where He is and if He cares!

But Psalm one ends with the promise that God is _____________________ over the way of the righteous!


In verse 1 the blessed man chose not to stand or sit with sinners; ___________ God justly forbids the sinner to stand or sit with those who are His!  WOW!


Great Helps:

Everyman’s Bible Commentary on Psalms, Bob Alden

The Treasury of David, CH Spurgeon

Expositors Bible Commentary