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Psalm 13 Worksheet

The Question, “How Long?” is typical of laments.

How many times does “How Long?” occur in the first two verses?                       

__________ times


“If you constantly find yourself frustrated and thinking that there should be more than what you are experiencing, maybe it is because we are created for another world where there are no effects of sin!”                          -C.S. Lewis


This Psalm is a classic “Trouble and Trust” Psalm.

David again _________________ using his prayer time to urge himself to trust God despite his circumstances.

Verse 6 – “I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me!”

David used his prayer time to remind himself of past deliverances by God and past times of God’s ____________________. And He knew God was still at work in his life.


Help me finish this verse from Job 13:15 – “Though he slay me, yet I will ______________ Him.”

If you let God, He can restore that brightness in your eyes and bring good even out of crushing ___________________! There’s a whole lot of life on the other side of when we think we can’t go on.