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Psalm 21 Worksheet

The Psalm divides simply into 2 halves. The first half expresses joyful gratitude for God’s blessings to the redeemed; the second half describes God’s _____________________ overthrow and judgment of the wicked who never repent.

Joy for those who delight in and ___________________ Yahweh                                      V. 1-7

Nehemiah 8:10

David had earthly honors and kingly majesty, but the thing he glorified most in was God’s _______________________.

Luke 10:20

What makes you exceedingly glad?

The word mercy in the NKJV is our famous word chesed, God’s never-failing ________________ love toward those who become His people by faith!

Genesis 15:16

Judgment for those who rebel _______________________ Yahweh                                 V. 8-13

Hebrews 9:27

Not only will God find the wicked who try to hide from Him, He will _________________ them.

Deuteronomy 32:35 – “Their foot shall slip in due time.”

The words don’t mean that people within generations can’t repent and turn to God. But it does mean that the unrepentant that follow in the ways of the wicked will not be around on the new earth – or the __________________ systems that produced them.


The main theme of the Bible is well reflected in this Psalm – the _________________ of God. God is glorified through repentant sinners trusting in Him! But He will also be glorified in the judgment of unrepentant sinners!