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Psalm 24 Worksheet

When studying the Psalms we need to remember that the Psalms were written to be ____________ by a congregation. When we see questions and answers in Psalms, we can picture a leader singing the question and the choir singing the response.


The King of Glory’s ___________________ includes everything and everyone                 V. 1-2

Why is everything and everyone on earth under the King’s Dominion?

Because He is the _______________________ of All!


Getting ourselves ready for __________________ at The Temple                                      V. 3-6

Verse 4 gives 4 expectations of would be worshippers –

A clean life in _________________                Clean hands

A holy ______________________                 Pure heart

Stays away from idols                                     Has not lifted up his soul to an idol

Keeps his ____________________                Nor sworn deceitfully

Romans 3:23

If what it takes to be able to go to God is doing all of those things well 100% of the time, I ain’t gonna get to see God, and no one is going to get to see God.

That doesn’t mean the standard is bad at all – For those who fall short before salvation it reveals our need of a Savior, because we don’t measure up.

Matthew 5:48             Romans 3:24               2 Corimthians 5:21

We still fall short of these perfect expectations after salvation, but when we get saved we seek to _________________ these standards through the power of the Holy Spirit. 


The __________________________ March to the Temple                                      V. 7-10

These may be the words that Israel sung when the Ark was brought to Jerusalem through Jerusalem’s gates.                             2 Samuel 6:12-15.

It also makes you think of Jesus riding the donkey through Jerusalem’s gates!

Revelation 3:20