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Psalm 45 Worksheet

This Psalm is both a _____________________ psalm and a _______________________ psalm.

The occasion appears to be a _______________________


A _______________________ for the King!                                                             V. 1


Our King is the _________________________!                                                       V. 2-9

Micah 6:8


Earthly Kings are inferior to the ___________________________                         V. 6-7

Psalm 2                                  

Proverbs 30:4                         

Psalm 110                              

Daniel 3:25                             

Isaiah 9:6-7                            

Micah 5:2

Hebrews 1:8-9


The ________________________ males herself ready for the King!                      V. 10-15

She has 2 duties mentioned in Genesis 2: leave and cleave.


The King of Kings is ____________________                                                           V. 16-17

2 Chron. 20:13-19                  

Matt. 1:6-8, 16                       

Revelation 19:6-18


Do you know that we are in Psalm 45?