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Magnify the Name, Don’t Misuse It

We serve a God who works _________________________________! Often extraordinary ones happen in a spiritually dark place to prepare the way for the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Miracles _________________________ the Apostle and the Gospel                                                                                             V. 11-12

Nowhere in the pages of doctrine are _______________ commanded to have sensational healing ministries and/or promote any kind of “relic” ministry.

“The signs of an apostle were performed among you in all endurance – not only signs but also wonders and miracles.”   -2 Cor. 12:12

God still works miracles – He sometimes does it through humble workers who give God the __________________! But now that the New Testament is completed there are no more APOSTLES like Paul and Peter were apostles.

Spiritual warfare can ___________________ on unspiritual people!                                                                                            V. 13-16

The demonic spirit recognized that these men had no _____________ over them. The Jewish exorcists had not come to faith in Christ. So they did not share in Christ’s authority through faith. The Name has power when it is spoken in faith.

Appropriate responses to the Lord                                      V. 17-20

1.         The _________________ of God

2.         W_____________________ of Jesus as God

3.         C_______________________ of sinful ways

4.         Getting rid of sinful ways